“We will not remain silent,” 10,000 protesters cried during the largest Russian anti-government demonstrations since 2012, on March 26th. Over 700 demonstrators were arrested, including opposition leader Alexi Nevalny, frustrated with the current governments corruption as civilians struggle to live. “The media tell us that Russia is doing well, but people are starting to wake up to the truth: more and more Russian’s can’t even feed their own children.”
Over 10,000 protesters marched in a synchronised walk along Tverskaya Street to avoid the ban on unsanctioned stationary gatherings.
Supporters of all ages gathered in support of Alexei Navalny in some of the largest anti-government demonstrations since 2011 and 2012.
Demonstrators flaunt yellow ducks, symbolic of one of Prime Minister Medvedev’s luxurious mansions in which he houses his pet ducks.
Protesters marched in unison to avoid arrests as it is illegal to hold unsanctioned stationary demonstrations in Russia.
Police helicopter circles overhead of the protests, while police surround demonstrators on the ground.
A Russian woman stands defiantly in front of riot police with sign saying, “government stop lying, stealing the billions. You’ve strangled the people by the huge taxes.”
Many protesters carried sneakers as a silent form of protest, referring to a recent scandal around Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev.
A new load of riot police ready themselves to enter the protest, who have been condemned internationally for using unnecessary violence on demonstrators.
Police barricade the streets, containing protesters to the footpaths as they march against the government.